All prices are exclusive of VAT. The tax is automatically calculated by Digistore24 GmbH at checkout and added for the respective country.
The sale is carried out through the reseller Digistore24 GmbH. The Right of Withdrawal and the Privat Policy of Digistore24 GmbH apply.
Update Overview
- Update 03. November 2024: Small bug fixed in R21: Photo Measure - Load Picture raised an Error
- Update 9. April 2024: Small bug fixed: Custom Value: if checked and field is empty it raised an runtime error
Update Version 2024.4
27. August 2024
- Thickness for angle
- Inner-Pos parameter improved
- Text-pos changed to length value
- 90° Buttons
- Hide-Measurement affects now also renderings
- Font-Overwrite parameter
- New: Draw Method
- Headline for each measurement
- New: global menu
- New: Line-Distance
- New: Arrows
Update Version 2024:
1. March 2024
- Font dialog for each measure
- New Global Font
- Custom Value Input for each measure
Update Version 2023.2:
- New Global Thickness
- New Global Font Size
- Param: InnerPos no longer percentage value
- Bug Fixed: Measure-Tool Button
- Param: Flipped overworked
Update Version 2023.1:
- Bug fixed (Cache Optimization)
- New Button Hide All/Show All
- New Solo/Unsolo Button for each measure
- New Solo/Unsolo Button for each measurement
- New Measure-Tool Button for each measure
C4D - DM Measure 2024 (Zip Download)
Updated: 02. November 2024
DM-Measure is a plugin for Cinema 4D with which you can simply edit, render and visualize measurements or the angle of the Measure Construct Tool in Cinema 4D.
With the new Preset System you can save your styles and call them back later for reuse.
It has a lot of settings to fit the appearance of the measurements. In addition, it is now also possible with a new command to calculate and display the area of an object or a polygon selection.
Since the last update, DM measure has received a new tool, the so-called DM-Photo Measure with which you can measure distances in photos and display them. This new tool can also be used, for example, to bring floor plans into the correct scale in order to be able to start modeling quickly and efficiently..
Customers who already have purchased the tool will get the new plugin version for free. I will send a circular mail with the plugin
Since every customer, who has already purchased the plugin, will get future updates for free, it is important that you provide the correct data when purchasing, especially as far as the email address is concerned.
3deoskill will always send a circular mail to inform all customers about the latest update. If your download number or time to download is already exceeded and your data is incorrect, it is impossible for me to send you an email.
Update Version 2025
07. February 2025
- Compatible with Cinema 4D (R19-2025.x)
currently not compatible with old R25
- Windows & MacOs
- More Measurements possible
- Polygonal (all Render-Engines)
- selectable units of measurement (autom. calculation)
- Turn Units on/off
- free selectable amount of decimal places
- Measure angles
- New command to calculate the surface area
- New tool for photo measuring
- New Preset System
Single-User (Zip Download)
(excl. Vat)
Single-User is for individuals (single persons, freelancers or sole proprietorships)
Multi-User (Zip Download)
(excl. Vat)
Multi-User is for studios, schools, agencies with more than one user and just for one business. The Multi-User-License can only be used by professionals with more than 1 user, not for private transfer such as friendships.
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